Achieve Your ESG Goals with Sustainable Solutions.

Expert consultancy in mushroom cultivation, hydroponics, biophilic design, aeroponics, and more to meet your ESG targets.

Trusted by

We're dedicated to fostering a sustainable future through innovative solutions. With years of experience and a team of passionate experts, we provide consultancy services that drive environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and ethical governance. Our mission is to empower businesses to thrive sustainably while achieving their ESG goals.

How We Help You Achieve ESG Targets

Services We Provide

We provide comprehensive assessment and bespoke design services tailored to meet your ESG goals.

How We Work

1. Assessment and Strategy

We begin with a thorough assessment of your company's goals, resources, and challenges. From this, we develop a customised strategic plan that includes sustainable design, business planning, and operational strategies to meet your ESG targets.

2. Implement and Optimise

Our experienced team manages the implementation of your tailored plan, from site preparation to equipment installation and staff training. We monitor progress and make data-driven adjustments to optimise sustainability and efficiency.

3. Mentor and Support

Our support continues beyond initial setup. We offer ongoing mentorship, training, and troubleshooting to help you navigate challenges and seize opportunities as your business grows sustainably.

4. Sustain and Grow

We prioritise sustainable and eco-friendly practices to minimise your environmental footprint. By tracking key performance indicators, we ensure our efforts yield measurable results, enhancing your long-term viability and ESG impact.

Why Urban Farm-It?

Unparalleled Expertise

With over 25 years of combined experience in cultivation, our team of passionate experts brings unmatched knowledge and skill to every project. We stay at the forefront of the latest innovations and techniques in the field, ensuring that our clients benefit from the most effective and efficient solutions.

Comprehensive Network

Our extensive network of consultants spans a wide range of specialties, allowing us to provide comprehensive support for every aspect of your project. From site selection and substrate preparation to climate control and pest management, our team of experts ensures a smooth and professional delivery at every stage.

Book a Consultation Today

Ready to speak with an expert? We're here to assess your needs, answer your questions, and develop a customised plan for your success.

Expertise and Innovation

Benefit from our team's extensive knowledge and stay ahead of the curve with innovative sustainability strategies.

Achieve ESG Targets

Our proven methods help optimise your operations, leading to higher ESG performance and increased profitability.

Personalised Support

We're committed to your success. Our team provides tailored support and guidance every step of the way.

Sustainable Practices

Embrace eco-friendly cultivation methods that prioritise sustainability and minimise your environmental impact.